Busting Tea Myths: Green Tea, Tea Bags, and Herbal Teas!

Busting Tea Myths: Green Tea, Tea Bags, and Herbal Teas!

We often come across lots of information on tea bags vs loose leaf tea, herbal teas, black vs green teas for weight loss, decaffeinated teas, etc. With so much noise on the internet, it's important for us to set the record straight by debunking some of the most common misconceptions around teas! 🫖
  1. Herbal infusions, and herbal teas are the same
    • These terms are often used interchangeably but refer to very different things! Herbal infusions (or tisanes) refer to steeping natural ingredients like flowers, fruits and spices in water, and typically do not contain any real tea in them.
    • Herbal tea, on the other hand, refers to any combination of tea (black or green tea) and herbal ingredients where the herbal component does not exceed 5%.
  2. Herbal and green teas are caffeine free
    • Contrary to popular belief, herbal and green teas are not naturally caffeine-free. All teas, including green and black teas, are derived from the Camellia sinensis plant and contain varying levels of caffeine. Green tea, often thought to be the mildest, actually has a significant amount of caffeine, second to black tea.
    • While caffeine free herbal infusions do exist (and often do not contain any real tea in them), it's essential to understand that herbal and green teas are not naturally caffeine-free and should be consumed in moderation. Even decaffeinated teas contain minimal levels of caffeine (2-10 mg), so they're not entirely free of it.
  3. Green tea helps in weight loss and is healthier than black tea
    • Both green and black teas have their own unique sets of antioxidants and flavonoids, each offering distinct health benefits. The widespread belief that green tea significantly aids in weight loss is exaggerated.
    • While green tea does contain compounds like catechins and caffeine that can boost metabolism, it is not a miraculous solution for losing weight. Both green and black teas contribute to overall health in different ways and should be consumed for their individual benefits
  4. White tea can make you look younger
    • White tea is often advertised for its high levels of antioxidants and enzymes, which are believed to have anti-aging properties. However, the idea that white tea can magically restore youthful appearance is a myth. While it does offer health benefits, it should not be relied upon as a fountain of youth.
  5. More herbal tea = more health benefits
    • While herbal teas are often praised for their health benefits, they also contain caffeine, which can be harmful if consumed in excess. Additionally, some herbal teas have specific medicinal properties that can lead to adverse effects if over-consumed. For instance, hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure, but excessive intake can cause health issues. Moderation is the key when enjoying herbal teas.
  6. Tea bags are the best
    • While they are convenient, tea bags are often filled with low-quality tea dust and are made from materials like bleached silk or corn plastic, which can be harmful to the environment and also potentially release toxins when steeped in hot water.
    • Loose tea leaves, on the other hand, offer superior quality and flavour without the environmental impact. Choosing loose leaves over tea bags is a healthier and more eco-friendly option. You can choose from Dessoi’s range of loose leaf teas sourced directly and fresh from the Bahani Tea Estate in Assam. 🍃

By steering clear of these myths, you can enhance your tea-drinking experience with accurate information and complete knowledge of what goes into your cup.

Until we meet again, happy teatime from all of us at Dessoi! 🫖

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